Webinar: Wear What You Talk – Bioeconomy & Textiles
Wussten Sie, dass die meisten Fasern die weltweit produziert werden, aus nicht erneuerbaren Ressourcen hergestellt werden? In diesem Webinar werden wir die Rolle der Textil- und Modebranche innerhalb der Bioökonomie erläutern. Darüber hinaus erfahren Sie mehr über das Universum der Naturfasern. Welche natürlichen Ressourcen werden eingesetzt? Wie kann Faserproduktion nachhaltig sein? Und was bedeutet das für mich als KonsumentIn? Während einer lebhaften Diskussion können Sie sich mit führenden Experten der Textil- und Modebranche austauschen und Fragen stellen, die Sie schon immer beschäftigen. Das Webinar findet in englischer Sprache statt und ist kostenlos, eine Anmeldung ist jedoch erforderlich. Agenda: --> Introduction into the great variety of fibers
Cornelia Voß, Expert on Textiles at Wissenschaftsladen Bonn, Germany --> Fibers made from wood – our position in the circular and bio-based economy
Waltraud Kaserer, Director Strategic Partnerships and Public Affairs, Lenzing AG, Austria --> Is it possible to combine Fashion & Sustainability? How to achieve a more conscious wardrobe
Elin Larsson, Program Director RE:Source, Sweden --> Q&A Session Dieses Webinar wird vom Ökosozialen Forum Österreich & Europa und dem Wissenschaftsladen Bonn in Zusammenarbeit mit der schwedischen NGO Vetenskap & Allmänhet, VA organisiert. Die Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen unseres von der Europäischen Kommission finanzierten Horizon-2020-Projekts BLOOM statt.
Beschreibung (engl.):
Did you know that most of the fibers that are produced globally are made from non-renewable resources? In this webinar we will elaborate on the role of the textile and fashion industry within bioeconomy. Moreover, you will learn more about the universe of natural fibers. What kind of natural resources are applied? How can fiber production be sustainable? And what does this mean for me as a consumer? During a lively discussion, you will be able to engage with leading experts of the textile- and fashion industry and ask them, what you always wanted to know. AGENDA --> Introduction into the great variety of fibers Cornelia Voß, Expert on Textiles at Wissenschaftsladen Bonn, Germany --> Fibers made from wood – our position in the circular and bio-based economy Waltraud Kaserer, Director Strategic Partnerships and Public Affairs, Lenzing AG, Austria --> Is it possible to combine Fashion & Sustainability? How to achieve a more conscious wardrobe. Elin Larsson, Program Director RE:Source, Sweden --> Q&A Session This webinar is organized by the Ecosocial Forum Austria & Europe and Wissenschaftsladen Bonn (the Austrian and German hub) in collaboration with Vetenskap & Allmänhet, VA of the Nordic hub. It will be held in English. Registration is free of charge.
Did you know that most of the fibers that are produced globally are made from non-renewable resources? In this webinar we will elaborate on the role of the textile and fashion industry within bioeconomy. Moreover, you will learn more about the universe of natural fibers. What kind of natural resources are applied? How can fiber production be sustainable? And what does this mean for me as a consumer? During a lively discussion, you will be able to engage with leading experts of the textile- and fashion industry and ask them, what you always wanted to know. AGENDA --> Introduction into the great variety of fibers Cornelia Voß, Expert on Textiles at Wissenschaftsladen Bonn, Germany --> Fibers made from wood – our position in the circular and bio-based economy Waltraud Kaserer, Director Strategic Partnerships and Public Affairs, Lenzing AG, Austria --> Is it possible to combine Fashion & Sustainability? How to achieve a more conscious wardrobe. Elin Larsson, Program Director RE:Source, Sweden --> Q&A Session This webinar is organized by the Ecosocial Forum Austria & Europe and Wissenschaftsladen Bonn (the Austrian and German hub) in collaboration with Vetenskap & Allmänhet, VA of the Nordic hub. It will be held in English. Registration is free of charge.
Termine: 17. Juni 2020
Zeit: 16:00 - 17:00
Veranstalter: Ökosoziales Forum Österreich & Europa
Art des Veranstalters: NGOs/NPOs
Kontaktperson: Gottfried Mayer
Mail/Tel.: mayer@oekosozial.at
Format: Konferenzen, Workshops, Präsentationen
Zielpublikum: Breite Öffentlichkeit
Thema: Innovation und Empowerment: Stärken stärken