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Make the world a better place! Just how?

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Workshop for AAI scholarship holders and all interested people What motivates me to be involved in making the world a better place? What keeps me from it? Where do I want to be involved and what do I want to change? How can I be engaged more effectively? Who do I want to work with? The workshop centers on these and other questions. It reflects on your individual space of agency and helps finding ways to be involved more effectively. By offering the workshop to a young and international audience and to local agents of change, the dimensions of agency and participation should be expanded for both groups. Date: Thursday, 4th June 2020, 3 – 5:30 pm Venue: AAI Online Room Contributor: Andrea Thuma, political scientist and adult educator Language: English Registration requested: 0662/841413-13, office@aai-salzburg.at In cooperation with: Katholische Hoschulgemeinde Salzburg (KHG Salzburg), International Research Centre for Social Ethics (IFZ Salzburg), Austrian Student Union at the University of Salzburg (ÖH Uni Salzburg)

Termine: 4. Juni 2020
Zeit: 15:00 - 17:30

Veranstalter:  Afro-Asiatisches Institut Salzburg
Art des Veranstalters:  NGOs/NPOs, Bildungseinrichtungen

Format:  Konferenzen, Workshops, Präsentationen
Zielpublikum:  Breite Öffentlichkeit