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Global trading routes? Challenges and potentials Online-Excursion: Brenner Base Tunnel/Steinach - Welthaus-exhibition Wir essen die Welt/Innsbruck

One of the largest railway tunnels, the Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT), is under construction between Innsbruck (Austria) and Franzenfeste (Italy) and is to be completed by 2027; about 2800 workers of 11 nations are involved. The presentation of the BBT will offer not only interesting information about this large-scale project, but also it will give us an impulse to think about the economic and geopolitical impacts of the global trading routes. Afterwards we will visit the Welthaus exhibition (online) Wir essen die Welt (‘We eat the world’) in the municipal library of Innsbruck to take a critical look at the subject, how our food in fact is produced and makes its way onto our plate. The online-excursion is free of charge. Only limited number of places, registration required! Date: Friday, 29th May 2020, 2 pm Venue: AAI online room https://aai.plus/webinar/ Instructions for getting started with this webinar: https://aai-salzburg.at Contributor: Martin Schneider; BBT Tunnelwelten Steinach and Krisi Madersbacher, youngCaritas Tirol Language: English

Termine: 29. Mai 2020
Zeit: 14:00

Veranstalter:  Afro-Asiatisches Institut Salzburg
Art des Veranstalters:  Bildungseinrichtungen
Mail/Tel.:  office@aai-salzburg.at

Format:  Konferenzen, Workshops, Präsentationen
Zielpublikum:  Breite Öffentlichkeit