Fighting climate change in times of health and economic crisis
The lockdown situation of the past months has triggered significant economic uncertainty, along with a financial crisis. During that same period, global greenhouse gas emissions have dropped sharply as a result of reduced economic activity. Now that countries are easing up restrictions, and reopening businesses, emissions are picking up once again, leading us on the same path as before: intensifying the global climate crisis. This is also true in the building sector, for which intensive resource consumption has decreased over the last months, but has started to rise again. Are we missing out on an opportunity to re-think our economic, environmental and social systems? 2020 has exacerbated how closely those systems are connected and how important it is to tackle those challenges as a whole. As part of the kick-off event of our Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems and Green.Building.Solutions. Summer Universities, we will explore new ways of thinking, showcase concrete solutions and proactive responses to those global issues.
Termine: 20. Juli 2020
Zeit: 16:30
Veranstalter: OeAD student housing
Art des Veranstalters: NGOs/NPOs
Format: Aus- und Weiterbildungsveranstaltungen
Zielpublikum: Breite Öffentlichkeit
Thema: Social distancing: Corona – Herausforderung angenommen
Karlsplatz 13
1040 Wien