SDG Day 2021 an der FHWien der WKW
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SDG Day 2021 – Be smart. Act responsibly. – SDG 12: Responsible Production and Consumption Der SDG Day rückt das Thema Responsible Production and Consumption in den Fokus und ist ein Call for Action für Studierende und Lehrende an der FHWien der WKW.
Harald Friedl wird in seiner Keynote mit dem Titel: „Wir haben keine Zeit mehr zu warten!“ die Dringlichkeit vor Augen führen und Initiativen anregen.
Es wird fünf parallele interaktive Workshops geben (“Show & Tell!” mit Markus Engelberger, Senior Visual Catalyst, „Klima & Wirtschaft: Wie erreichen wir die Klimaziele?” mit Karin Huber-Heim, En-ROADS Climate Ambassador, „Nachhaltigkeit anders wahrnehmen und vermitteln“ mit Roman Kellner und Elisabeth Gräf, Gewinner des Lehrpreises 2020 der FHWien der WKW von Wort & Weise, „Storytelling für Changemaker“ mit Stefan Stockinger, Pirado Verde – Erlebnisvorträge & Infotainment, „Carbon Literacy Workshop” mit Julia Waldegger, MCI | Die Unternehmerische Hochschule®) Beate Huber, Leiterin des Kollegiums der FHWien der WKW wird die Lehrpreise 2021 verleihen und Manfred Schieber, Studienbereichsleiter Management & Entrepreneurship wird die besten BA und Ma Arbeiten im Bereich SDG auszeichnen. Abschließend findet unter Moderation von Stefan Lenglinger, OFR Moderator eine Panel-Diskussion zum Thema „Lebensmittelverschwendung“ mit folgenden Teilnehmer+innen statt:
• Alexander Hell, Senior Sustainability Manager, REWE Group
• Alexander Kiennast, Geschäftsführung, Julius Kiennast – Lebensmittelgroßhandel GmbH
• Lisa Tamina Panhuber, Consumer Campaigner, Greenpeace in Zentral- & Osteuropa
• Renée Nicole Wagner, Personal Assistant to the CEO and Project Manager Corporate Social Responsibility Northern Europe, Accor Hotels
• Florian Schleicher, Head of Marketing, toogoodtogo
Daneben wird es auch im virtuellen Raum ausreichend Möglichkeiten zur Beteiligung und Vernetzung geben.
Beschreibung (engl.):
SDG Day 2021 - Be smart. Act responsibly. - SDG 12: Responsible Production and Consumption The SDG Day focuses on the topic of Responsible Production and Consumption and is a call for action for students and teachers at FHWien of WKW. Harald Friedl will highlight the urgency and stimulate initiatives in his keynote address titled: "We have no more time to wait!". There will be five parallel interactive workshops ("Show & Tell!" with Markus Engelberger, Senior Visual Catalyst, "Climate & Economy: How do we reach the climate goals? " with Karin Huber-Heim, En-ROADS Climate Ambassador, "Perceiving and communicating sustainability differently" with Roman Kellner and Elisabeth Gräf, winners of the FHWien of WKW Teaching Award 2020 by Wort & Weise, "Storytelling for Changemakers" with Stefan Stockinger, Pirado Verde - Experiential Lectures & Infotainment, "Carbon Literacy Workshop" with Julia Waldegger, MCI | The Entrepreneurial University®). Beate Huber, Head of the College of FHWien of WKW will award the 2021 teaching prizes and Manfred Schieber, Head of the Department of Management & Entrepreneurship will award the best BA and Ma theses in the field of SDG. Finally, a panel discussion on the topic of "Food Waste" will take place under the moderation of Stefan Lenglinger, OFR Moderator, with the following participants+: Alexander Hell, Senior Sustainability Manager, REWE Group. Alexander Kiennast, Managing Director, Julius Kiennast - Lebensmittelgroßhandel GmbH Lisa Tamina Panhuber, Consumer Campaigner, Greenpeace in Central & Eastern Europe Renée Nicole Wagner, Personal Assistant to the CEO and Project Manager Corporate Social Responsibility Northern Europe, Accor Hotels Florian Schleicher, Head of Marketing, toogoodtogo In addition, there will be many opportunities for participation and networking in the virtual space.
SDG Day 2021 - Be smart. Act responsibly. - SDG 12: Responsible Production and Consumption The SDG Day focuses on the topic of Responsible Production and Consumption and is a call for action for students and teachers at FHWien of WKW. Harald Friedl will highlight the urgency and stimulate initiatives in his keynote address titled: "We have no more time to wait!". There will be five parallel interactive workshops ("Show & Tell!" with Markus Engelberger, Senior Visual Catalyst, "Climate & Economy: How do we reach the climate goals? " with Karin Huber-Heim, En-ROADS Climate Ambassador, "Perceiving and communicating sustainability differently" with Roman Kellner and Elisabeth Gräf, winners of the FHWien of WKW Teaching Award 2020 by Wort & Weise, "Storytelling for Changemakers" with Stefan Stockinger, Pirado Verde - Experiential Lectures & Infotainment, "Carbon Literacy Workshop" with Julia Waldegger, MCI | The Entrepreneurial University®). Beate Huber, Head of the College of FHWien of WKW will award the 2021 teaching prizes and Manfred Schieber, Head of the Department of Management & Entrepreneurship will award the best BA and Ma theses in the field of SDG. Finally, a panel discussion on the topic of "Food Waste" will take place under the moderation of Stefan Lenglinger, OFR Moderator, with the following participants+: Alexander Hell, Senior Sustainability Manager, REWE Group. Alexander Kiennast, Managing Director, Julius Kiennast - Lebensmittelgroßhandel GmbH Lisa Tamina Panhuber, Consumer Campaigner, Greenpeace in Central & Eastern Europe Renée Nicole Wagner, Personal Assistant to the CEO and Project Manager Corporate Social Responsibility Northern Europe, Accor Hotels Florian Schleicher, Head of Marketing, toogoodtogo In addition, there will be many opportunities for participation and networking in the virtual space.
Termine: 23.September 2021
Zeit: 13:00 - 18:30
Veranstalter: FHWien der WKW
Art des Veranstalters: Bildungseinrichtungen
Kontaktperson: Michael Mair
Format: Aus- und Weiterbildungsveranstaltungen
Zielpublikum: Breite Öffentlichkeit
Thema: Gemeinsam: Miteinander der Generationen