50-Dächer Photovoltaikprogramm
Das 50-Dächer Photovoltaikprogramm ist eine Initiative der Klima- und Energiemodellregion ökoEnergieland, um den Ausbau an erneuerbaren Energieträgern in der Region zu forcieren. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Art "Ratenkauf von Photovoltaikanlagen" für Privatpersonen.
Besonderheit der Aktion ist, dass die Privatpersonen ihre eigene Photovoltaikanlage installiert bekommt, vom ersten Tag an von der Eigenstromproduktion profitieren kann, keine finanziellen Mittel für Vorfinanzierung in die Hand nehmen muss und dafür knapp 50€ im Monat bezahlt!
Das Photovoltaik-Dächerprogramm wird bereits zum dritten Mal in Folge gestartet und wird von den BürgerInnen der Modellregion sehr gut angenommen und hat einen großen Multiplikatoreffekt!
Beschreibung (engl.):
The 50-roof photovoltaic program is an initiative of the climate and energy model region ökoEnergieland to promote the expansion of renewable energy sources in the region. This is a kind of "installment purchase of photovoltaic systems" for private individuals. The special feature of the campaign is that the private individuals get their own photovoltaic system installed, can benefit from their own electricity production from day one, do not have to raise any financial means for pre-financing and pay almost 50€ per month! The Photovoltaic Roofs Program is being launched for the third time in a row and is very well accepted by the citizens of the model region and has a great multiplier effect! Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
The 50-roof photovoltaic program is an initiative of the climate and energy model region ökoEnergieland to promote the expansion of renewable energy sources in the region. This is a kind of "installment purchase of photovoltaic systems" for private individuals. The special feature of the campaign is that the private individuals get their own photovoltaic system installed, can benefit from their own electricity production from day one, do not have to raise any financial means for pre-financing and pay almost 50€ per month! The Photovoltaic Roofs Program is being launched for the third time in a row and is very well accepted by the citizens of the model region and has a great multiplier effect! Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Veranstalter: Klima- und Energiemodellregion ökoEnergieland
Art des Veranstalters: Vereine/Verbände/Interessensvertretungen
Kontaktperson: DI Andrea Moser
Mail/Tel.: a.moser@eee-info.net
Format: Bürgerbeteiligung
Zielpublikum: Lokale Bevölkerung
Thema: Innovation und Empowerment: Stärken stärken
Europastraße 1
7540 Güssing