Explore Nature with students from all over Europe
Young people, aged 12 to 16, and their teachers from all over Europe are invited to experience an exciting way to get familiar with ecological, social and cultural topics of the European Union and to express themselves in their individual ways in the green and idyllic ambience of the modern camp-site in the Nationalpark Donau-Auen.
From 6th to 10th June '16 the non-profit organisation 'EnvironmentalEducationVienna' invites in the context of the 'Austrian Days of Sustainability 2016' to an international camp-event in cooperation with the Vienna Forestry Department (MA 49). Pupils and teachers experience the multi-coloured dimensions of wilderness, the virgin nature in the National Park and creative workshops which support easy living together and the curiosity to get to know new countries and cultures. The 'EuroKids Camp' offers a unique chance for young people to experience values of an open-minded democratic European society. The 'EuroKids Camp' is a great opportunity to get new international friends, to enjoy tenting, camp-fire and moonlight in the green ambience of the NationalparkCamp Lobau. Teachers from all over Europe can register delegations of students to take part in the 'EuroKids Camp'. For more infos please contact Gabriele Töscher, coordinator of the EuroKids Camp yes@ubw.at | 02249 287 11.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the 6th EuroKids Camp!
6. Juni 2016, 7. Juni 2016, 8. Juni 2016, 9. Juni 2016, 10. Juni 2016
Zeit: Depending on arrival
Webseite: http://www.ubw.at
Veranstalter: UmweltBildungWien - Grüne Insel
Kontaktperson: Kathrin Hischenhuber
Mail: yes@ubw.at
Lobaustraße 100
NationalparkCamp Lobau
2301 Groß Enzersdorf
Bildung, Kultur, Naturschutz
Veranstalter: UmweltBildungWien - Grüne Insel
Kontaktperson: Kathrin Hischenhuber
Mail: yes@ubw.at